r/Borderlands3 - Gearbox can count to 3. If you guys are like me and got a lot of good gear for level 61 and now you are OP8 I show you the easiest way to get all of that back. r/TinyTinaWonderlands - Assault on Dragon Keep 2? Step 4: Edit the profile and make as many modifications as you want. Scroll down until you find the correct GPD file and right-click and hit Replace. Open your profile back up off of your USB in Horizon and go to the Contents tab. Click on Open and find the file called ‘profile.sav’ in your Borderlands 3 Folder. Once you have modded your stats to your liking, save the file. Step 3: You will the editor window before you. The place to discuss and post anything related to Borderlands 2, Still, with 96.5% More Wub Wub! This Subreddit supports: > Reddit Re-Design > Reddit Old Design > RES Night Modeīe nice, keep it civil and follow the reddiquette Step 2: Once it is downloaded, run the file on your computer.